Kamis, 27 September 2012

About the University of Muhammadiyah Malang

"UMM the real university"
       University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) was established in 1964. campus was built in the spirit of enlightenment and propaganda struggle uar kindness nahi munkar by its founders. his successors believed that one day the UMM will be transformed into a large university in the account. UMM intend as the real university and a container of educating the nation's children to be human noble, intelligent, and high competitiveness have leadership  strong and independent.
Copyright©UMM information 

 My comments about UMM

 Desi Wulansari - Mahasiswi asal jambi

"Not one that I chose UMM, I love the atmosphere Malang a cool, clean water supply melimah, good greenery in the city so as to reduce air pollution. Available complete city facilities, such as malls, culinary center, tourism. Means of transport are very ankutan modern city began to aircraft in poor cities. facilities and infrastructure on the campus of UMM is sufficient so I feel at home on campus that has a dam also write a cool atmosphere and beauty. UMM is the best....
(^o_o^) my steady college here................

1 komentar:

  1. kalau mau personal chat bagaimana? saya ingin lihat kuesioner tentang "SURVEI HIGIENE SANITASI PEDAGANG MAKANAN JAJANAN SERTA DAMPAK PENCEMARAN MIKROBIOLOGIS DI PASAR TRADISIONAL MERJOSARI KOTA MALANG" seperti apa kuesioner nya? saya juga sudah komen di postingan tersebut



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